4'-phosphopantothenic acid is made from pantoic acid and beta-alanine supplied by wild-type E. coli. Phosphocreatine is the major pH buffer and also an energy buffer in virtually every mammalian cell. 4'-phosphopantoic acid can be made by hydrolysis of excess 4'-phosphopantothenic acid to conceivably inhibit more desirable processes. Such potential for causing problems may be shared by glyphosate, the active ingredient in “Roundup” used to poison native and heritage plants, thereby creating dependency upon GMO monocultures. Thus, it is prudent to avoid glyphosate and its acid, to supplement with or select foods naturally rich in both creatine and pantothenic acid, and to maintain healthy prebiotics and probiotics with fermented foods, while avoiding strains of E. coli like O157:H7 that make shigatoxin.